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måndag 7 november 2011

Vehnän ja ohran asettaminen vastasyntyneen ravintoon koe-eläimissä

Schmid S, Koczwara K, Schwinghammer S, Lampasona V, Ziegler AG, Bonifacio E. SourceDiabetes Research Institute, Krankenhaus München-Schwabing, Munich, Germany.


Dietary gluten, vitamin D3, and fish-oil are suggested to influence the incidence of autoimmune diabetes. To determine whether modification of their intake could reduce diabetes incidence and autoimmunity in mice, pups from female non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice were fed diets modified for protein source, fatty acid content, and/or vitamin D3 content and were followed for diabetes development, insulin autoantibodies (IAA), and insulitis. Replacement of wheat and barley with poultry as the major protein source significantly affected diabetes development.

  • Kun korvattiin vehnä ja ohraproteiini siipikarjaproteiinilla havaittiin merkitsevä vaikutus diabeteksen kehittymisessä. Diabeteksen alkaminen viivästyi niissä NOD-hiirissä, joille annettiin vehnästä ja ohrasta eliminoitua rehua. Insuliinin vasta-aineet ja insuliittiaste aleni ja haiman sisäinen IL-4 mRNA lisääntyi niillä joilla oli vehnätön ja ohraton rehu. Kalaöljy tai D3 yksinään ei alentanut diabeteksen insidenssiä

Diabetes onset was delayed and diabetes incidence was significantly reduced in female mice that received the wheat and barley protein-free diet throughout life (45% by age 32 weeks vs. 88% in control mice; P < 0.01), from weaning (42%; P < 0.005), or from 3 to 10 weeks of age only (36%; P < 0.01), and diabetes development was not completely restored by gliadin supplementation of the wheat and barley protein-free diet (58%; P < 0.05). Insulin autoantibodies (P < 0.01) and insulitis scores (P < 0.02) were reduced, and intra-pancreatic IL-4 mRNA increased (P < 0.05) in wheat and barley protein-deprived mice. Diabetes incidence was neither reduced by fish-oil or vitamin D3 supplementation alone, nor in mice fed a wheat and barley protein-free diet that was supplemented with fish-oil and vitamin D3. These data support a link between dietary wheat and barley proteins and the development of autoimmune diabetes.

Gluteeniton aamiainen

FINAX mysli on ravitseva aamupala.

WASA gluteeniton ja laktoositon näkkileipä on myös hyvä aamupala varsinkin niille, jotka eivät kestä muita gluteenittomia näkkileipätyyppejä. Jos suuontelon limakalvo tai ienreuna ärtyy helposti, voi tämänkin näkkileivän ensin kostuttaa kahviin tai muuhun kuumaan juomaan, kuten esim yrttiteehen. Tämä gluteeniton näkkileipä ei sisällä vehnäperäistä tärkkelystä. Näkkärinsä voi voidella myös maidottomalla margariinilla jos ei kestä laktoosia edes sitä määrää, mikä näissä kevytmargariineissa piilee. Vaikka nämä näkkileivän siivut näyttävät kapeilta ja litteiltä, ne ovat täyttäviä.

söndag 1 maj 2011

Autoimmuuni myokardiitti ja sartaanilääkitys

Int J Biol Sci. 2011 Feb 11;7(2):154-67. Olmesartan, an AT1 antagonist, attenuates oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress and cardiac inflammatory mediators in rats with heart failure induced by experimental autoimmune myocarditis.
Sukumaran V, Watanabe K, Veeraveedu PT, Gurusamy N, Ma M, Thandavarayan RA, Lakshmanan AP, Yamaguchi K, Suzuki K, Kodama M. Source Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, Japan. svkumar1979@yahoo.com


Studies have demonstrated that angiotensin II has been involved in immune and inflammatory responses which might contribute to the pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases. Recent evidence suggests that oxidative stress may play a role in myocarditis. Here, we investigated whether olmesartan, an AT(1)R antagonist protects against experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM) by suppression of oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and inflammatory cytokines.

EAM was induced in Lewis rats by immunization with porcine cardiac myosin, were divided into two groups and treated with either olmesartan (10 mg/kg/day) or vehicle for a period of 21 days. Myocardial functional parameters measured by hemodynamic and echocardiographic analyses were significantly improved by the treatment with olmesartan compared with those of vehicle-treated rats. Treatment with olmesartan attenuated the myocardial mRNA expressions of proinflammatory cytokines, [Interleukin (IL)-1β, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ)] and the protein expression of tumor necrosis factor-α compared with that of vehicle-treated rats. Myocardial protein expressions of AT(1)R, NADPH oxidase subunits (p47phox, p67phox, gp91phox) and the expression of markers of oxidative stress (3-nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal), and the cardiac apoptosis were also significantly decreased by the treatment with olmesartan compared with those of vehicle-treated rats. Furthermore, olmesartan treatment down-regulated the myocardial expressions of glucose regulated protein-78, growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene, caspase-12, phospho-p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phospho-JNK. These findings suggest that olmesartan protects against EAM in rats, at least in part via suppression of oxidative stress, ER stress and inflammatory cytokines.

[PubMed - in process]

PMCID: PMC3048845

Free PMC ArticleTämä artikkeli selvittää olmesartaanin, angiotensiinireseptoriblokeeraajaan suojavaikutuksen autoimmuunissa myokardiitissa koe-eläimessä.
ARB olmesartaani heikensi inflammatoristen sytokiinien ilmenemää ( IL1beeta, MCP-1, TNF-alfa, IFN-gamma).

13. Symposiumi


Geenitutkimuksen sektorilla on tehty uusia löytöä. Löydetyillä uusilla geeneillä on osuutta myös autoimmuunitaudeissa kuten reumassa ja diabeteksessa. Uutta endoskooppitekniikka on kehitelty. Mitään erityisempiä suuria uusia edistysaskeleita ei ole kuitenkaan tapahtunut stitten aiempien symposiumien

Scientific update:
The programme provided an update on the current state of the art in the field of Coeliac Disease.
Progress has been made in identifying new genes that increase susceptibility for Celiac Disease. However the latest discovered genes give a small extra contribution, it is interesting that genes are found that also a role play at other auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.
A large number of abstracts dealt with serologic tests for Coeliac Disease. The use of these tests makes it easy to perform large scale epidemiologic studies.
New endoscopic imaging techniques also show their advantages in the detection of celiac disease and its complications.
Studies on new therapeutic strategies for Celiac Disease are in progress but no major breakthroughs were shown.

For the abstracts click here.

Next symposia: There has been decided to set up a foundation for the organization of future symposia. In this foundation the organizers of the symposia in the past and the future organizers will join their strengths.

The three coming meetings are scheduled as follows:
ICDS2011 June 20-22, 2011 Oslo, Norway
ICDS2013 Chicago, USA
ICDS2015 Praque, Tsjech Republic


10. kansainvälinen keliakiasymposiumi

Coeliac disease : proceedings of the Xth International Symposium on coeliac disease

Author: N Cerf-Bensussan; et al
Publisher: Montrouge : John Libbey Eurotext , 2003.
Edition/Format:  Book : English

Tässä konferenssissa on julkaistu edistysaskeleita mm MMP- entsyymien tutkimus alueelta.
Kts blogiani metalloproteinaasit

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