PRC2 , polykombinen repressiivinen kompleksi on toinen polykombisen ryhmän proteiiniluokista 1 ja 2 .Tämän rymän toinen komponenti on PRC1, polykombinen repressiivinen kompleksi 1.
Mitä tällaiset proteiinit tekevät?
Tämä kompleksi PRC2 omaa histonimetyylitransferaasin kyvyt ja se pystyy trimetyloimaan H3- histonia aminohappoon lysiini, joka on peptidiketjun jäjestyksesä numero 27. eli lyhennyksenä on tuotetta H3K27me3 ( histoni 3, lysiini numero 27, metyyliryhmiä 3). Tällainen molekyylirakenne ilmoittaa, että kromatiini on transkriptionaalisesti hiljaisessa vaiheessa ( siitä siis ei kopioida koodeja sillä hetkellä: eli "Kopiokonetta printteriä ei käytetä").
- PRC2 (Polycomb Repressive Complex 2) is one of the two classes of polycomb-group proteins or (PcG). The other component of this group of proteins is PRC1 (Polycomb Repressive Complex 1).
- This complex has histone methyltransferase activity and primarily trimethylates histone H3 on lysine 27 (i.e. H3K27me3),[1][2] a mark of transcriptionally silent chromatin.
- PRC2 is required for initial targeting of genomic region (PRC Response Elements or PRE) to be silenced, while PRC1 is required for stabilizing this silencing and underlies cellular memory of silenced region after cellular differentiation.
- PRC1 also mono-ubiquitinates histone H2A on lysine 119 (H2AK119Ub1).
- These proteins are required for long term epigenetic silencing of chromatin and have an important role in stem cell differentiation and early embryonic development. PRC2 are present in all multicellular organisms.
- The mouse PRC2 has four subunits: Suz12 (zinc finger), Eed, Ezh1 or Ezh2 (SET domain with histone methyltransferase activity[1][2]) and RbAp48 (histone binding domain)
- PRC2 has a role in X chromosome inactivation, in maintenance of stem cell fate, and in imprinting. Aberrant expression of PRC2 has been observed in cancer.[1][2]
- The PRC2 is evolutionary conserved, and has been found in mammals, insects, and plants.
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