Tampereen konferenssiin osallistujille annettiin kirja Changing Features of Coeliac Disease.
Sen olivat toimittaneet Susanna Lohiniemi, Pekka Collin ja Markku Mäki.
konferensseja on sen jälkeen ollut eri puolilla maailmaa useankin kerran ja joka kerta on uusi kirja tarjolla uusista abstrakteista ja löydöistä. Tässä kirjoitan vuoden 1998 kirjan sisällisluettelon muistiin:
Mäki M. , Changing Features if Coeliac of Coeliac Disease , page 1.
Troncone R., Maurano F., Iovine G., Petrone E., Paparo F., Diagnostic Criteria for Coeliac Disease, page 7.
Reunala T., Dermatitis Herpetiformis from Gut to Skin, page 13.
Holm K., Markers of Coeliac Disease Latency, page 19.
Wieser H., Prolamins in Cereals, page 25.
Janssen F.W., Codex Standard for Gluten Free Products, page31.
Deustch H., Food Legislation and Contamination,page 37.
Kumar P, J., Dietary Compliance and Coeliac Disease, page 45.
Mäki M., To Screen or not to Screen for Coeliac Disease, page 51.
Holmes G. K. T., Malignancy in Coeliac Disease, page 55.
Valdimarsson T., Bone and Calcium Disturbances in Coeliac Disease, page 61.
Ventura A., Coeliac Disease and Autoimmunity, page 67.
Lohiniemi S., Mustalahti K., Collin P., Mäki M.,Measuring Quality of Life in Coeliac Disease Patients, page 73.
Greco L., Evolution of Coeliac Disease.page 79.
Hallert C., The Epidemiology of Coeliac Disease: a Continuous Enigma, page 83.
Collin P., Kaukinen K., Associated Disorders in Coeliac Disease, page 89.
Mäki M., Kaukinen K., Holm K., Collin P., Treatment of Coeliac Patiens with Oats and Wheat Starch. page 93.
Catassi8 C., Rätsch IM., Fabiani E., D´Angelo G., Santinelli A., Bearzi I., Coppa G.V., Low Level Gluten Consumption in Coeliac Childrfen, page 97.
Feghery C., Srinivasan U., Carolan J., Jackson J., Jones E., Weir D.G., O´Farrely C., Oats Challenge in Vivo Does Not Activate Coeliac Disease as Determined by Immunohistological markers, page 103.
Vogelsang H., Granditsch G., Deutsch H., Oats and Wheat Starch in the Diet of Coeliac Patients..
Abstracts 113
Short oral presentations A1- A15 , page 115.
Epidemiology A15- A23, page 122.
Clinics A24- A46, page 126.
Gluten-free diet and cereals A47- A62, page 138.
Associated diseases and complaints A63- A73, page 146.
Serology, page 151.
Genetics and immunology , page 160.
Author index , page 168. Aubajub 444 kirjoittajaa.
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