SITAATTI: Johdanto
On kiinnostusta proteiinipohjaisiin biomateriaaleihin, joista saadaan vaihtoehtoja synteettisiin polymeereihin- niillähän on laajenevaa käyttöä. Useiden proteiinikandidaattien joukossa on jo maissin zeiini-prolamiini ja mielenkiinto sitä kohtaan kasvaa ( Kommentti: esim biojätebussit minun taloudessani ovat maissimuovista tehtyjä!) . Maissiprolamiinin zeiinin ominaisuuksia on mitä tarkimmin tutkittu jo: koostumusta, rakennetta, liukenemis- ja hyytymisominaisuuksia. Sillä on ainutlaatuisia ominaisuuksia: se liukenee alkoholin vesiliuokseen, se on hyvin hydrofobinen ja luonteeltaan se ei ole allergeeninen, sen hapenkanto-ominaisuudet ovat suurenmoiset, sen alttius proteolyyttiselle hajomiselle on redusoitunutta, sillä on kykyä sietää mahahapon pH:ta - sitä pidetään soveliaampana kuin muita proteiineja esim elintarvikepakkauksissa ja lääkeannossovelluksissa. Nykyisellään on menossa tutkimusprojekteja, joissa selvitetään sen soveltuvuutta kudostukena, aktiivin komponentin kapseloimisessa, lääkkeen annostuksessa. (Kommentti: Tässä voi olla hyvä idea , esim. minulla jotkut kapselirakenteet takertuvat limakalvoihin niellessä- kurkkuun ja ruokatorveen- Jos kapseliaine olisi tällainen inertti non-allergeeninen se voisi olla hyvä asia, olikohan tuo joskus hankaluuksia tuottanut kapseli nyt E-vitamiiniäljyä tai jokin omega kalaöljykapseli, en ole nyt ihan varma, mikä näistä) .
Entä DURRA: Tämä artikkeli keskittyy durran prolamiiniin kafiriiniin.
- Introduction
- Growing research interest in protein-based biomaterials has been stimulated by the demand for alternatives to traditional synthetic polymers that have expanded functional properties to accommodate a broader spectrum of applications.1 Among various protein candidates, zein, the prolamin protein in maize, has received increasing research attention.2,3 The composition, structure, dissolution, and gelation behavior of zein have been extensively studied.4−7 Due to its unique properties, such as its solubility in aqueous alcohol, highly hydrophobic and nonallergenic nature, excellent oxygen barrier property, reduced susceptibility to proteolytic degradation, and ability to withstand gastric pH, zein is considered superior to other proteins, especially in the food packaging and drug delivery applications. Currently, research projects intended to explore its applications in tissue scaffolding, active ingredient encapsulation, and drug delivery are in full swing.8−10
- Kafirin, the sorghum prolamin protein, resembles zein in its solubility, molecular weight, amino acid composition, and structure of polypeptides.11,12 Compared to zein, kafirin is relatively more hydrophobic and less digestible,13,14 which enables more stable films with superior gas and water vapor barrier characteristics. It is a more effective encapsulation vehicle with stronger protective function.15 Therefore, kafirin has the potential to be an alternative to zein in biomaterial applications. Nevertheless, the effort to fulfill its potential is still seriously lacking. Of all the available research papers, only a few report kafirin’s satisfying performance in film casting application.16−19 Many factors, such as protein composition, purity, concentration, secondary and tertiary structures, morphology, and self-assembly behavior, are known to affect the processing performance and functional properties of protein-based biomaterials.20
- To develop biomaterials from kafirin, it is necessary to understand the physical properties of kafirin in the first place. Although extraction methods and digestibility of kafirin received adequate research attentions, a clear view of the secondary structure, morphology, and self-assembly phenomena of kafirin and their relationship with processing properties is still absent.
Tässä työssä tutkijat selvittivät yksityiskohtaisesti kafiriinin koostumuksen, rakenteen, morfologian ja koostumistavat . Näihin mittauksiin perustuen saatiin selville avainasemassa olevat merkitsijät, jotka vaikuttavat kafiriinin rakenteeseen. Tulokset antavat relevantteja ohjelinjoja tuleviin tutkimuksiin kafiriinipohjaisista, laadullisesti hahmotetuista ( designed) biomateriaaleista.
- In this presented work, we carried out a detailed investigation of kafirin on its composition, structure, morphology, and self-assembly behavior. The components of kafirin extracted from sorghum grain using 60% tert-butanol were identified on the basis of sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The secondary structure was characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and circular dichroism (CD) in solid and liquid states. The morphology and self-assembly behavior of kafirin in different alcohol solutions were studied by synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Key parameters affecting kafirin structure based on these measurements were obtained, and the results are very relevant in guiding future investigation of kafirin-based biomaterials with designed quality.
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