osallistujat saivat symposiumin abstraktit pienenä kirjana ja siinä oli myös esitetty kaikki posterit eri otsikkoineen järjestettynä. yksi aihepiiri oli "Kaura ja muut viljat", Oats and other cereals. Abstraktit 126- 138. luettelen ne tähän sillä niitä voi otsikoilla hakea netistä.
Five year follow-up study:use of oats and adherence to gluten-free diet.
Kemppainen T, Janatuinen E et al.. Losma V, Heikkinen M, Julkunen R, uusitupa M. Departements of Clinical nutrition, Medicine and Clinical Pathology, University of Kuopio. Finland
Kirjoitin muistiin seuraavaa : "Are Finnish people oat tolerant ? Oat is "best porridge" since hundreds of years in Finland. Finnish type coeliac disease: Tolerance to oat because of history OR because of a clear decrease in gliadin concentration in food when using oats. From these point of view is oat motivated. "Finnish oat" is like "Chinese rice" - so usual food in Finland.
Tässä teen huomautuksen kirjaan, että kaiken vuosisataisen historian jälkeen suomalaisia on kauransa kansa alle 5 miljoonaa ja kiinalaisia riisin kanssa miljardimäärä.
Oats for patients with dermatitis herpetiformis?
Reunala T, Collin P, Puolakka T, Vuolteenaho N, Miettinen A, Pikkarainen P, Mäki M.
Deptartements of Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Microbiology and Pediatrics, University Hospitals, Tampere and Helsinki, Finland
osa tutkituistqa DH-potilasta pystyi lisäämään tarkkaan gluteenittomaan dieettiin 50 g kauraa päivässä, mutta osa sai ihottuman pahenemisreaktion . Testi aloitettiin ihon ollessa rauhallisesa vaiheessa.
(Oma mielipide: koska olen syntynyt juuri sodan jälkeen, kaurapuuro oli jokapäiväinen ruoka ja vehnäleipää oli lähinnä sunnuntaina, jokapäiväisenä ruokaleipänä oli ruisleipä tai hiivaleipä. Vehnää asetettiin pieniä määriä miltei joka ruokaan kuten kastikkeisiin ja keittoihin. Itselläni oli ihottumaa aina jossain kohtaa kehoa sekä koliikkeja jotka paikallistuivat umpilisäkeseutuun. 18 vuotiaana muutin kotoa ja tein itse ruokaa tai kävin ruokalassa opiskellessa. Jätin kauran pois. Hankin vehnäpussin keittiökaappiin. Ihottumia oli kyllä edelleen, mutta suolistovaivat tulivat esiin selvemmin. Katson että kauravaihe oli suolisto-oireita maskeeraava vaihe, mutta ihovaivoja ylläpitävä. En päästä kauraa pannasta koskaan, jos minulta kysytään neuvoa gluteenittomasta dieetistä keliakikolle tai dermatitis herpetiformista potevalle.
Kävin 15-vuotiaana Tukholmassa siskoni kanssa kylässä ja näin ensimmäistä kertaa voitopuolisesti vaaleita ruokaleipiä kaupassa. Sellaista ei ollut Suomssa. Ruotsissa oli jopa vaaleaa (vehnäistä) näkkileipää. Siis Ruotsisssa on ravinnon vehnäpitoisuus vielä suurempaa kuin mitä Suomessa on perinteisesti ollut. Täällä on vielä gluteenilisää käytössä. Siitä näkökulmasta kauran käyttö Ruotsissa on gluteenin vahvan gliadiinipitoisuuden vähentämistä ja mahdollisesti relativistisesti tuntuu keliakikoista hyvältä ravinnolta, joka ei anna vaivoja).
Oats in coeliac diet: a 5 year follow-up study.
Janatuinen E, Kemppainen T, Kosma V-M, Heikkinen M, Julkunen R, Uusitupa M. Depts of Medicine, Clinical Nutrition and Clinical Pathology, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio.
(The degree of crypt hyperplastic villous atrophy was histologically scored as 0 normal, 1 partial, 2 subtotal and 3 total villous atrophy; The mean intake of oats 34 g in a day.
Concl. Moderate amounts of oats do not cause any duodenal villous architectural damage in adult patients with coeliac disease in remission even after a 5-year consumption.
Adult patients with coeliac disease have no antigliadin (AGA) or antireticulin antibody (ARA) response to oats.
Janatuinen E, kemppainen T, Pikkrainen P, Kosma V-M, Uusitupa M, Julkunen R. Depts. of medicine, Clinical Nutrition and Clinical Pathology, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio.
Effects of oats on the humoral immunology are not known.
GFD diet and GFD diet including oats 50 g per day. AGA and ARA followed at 0, 1,3,6,12 months.
Concl. Oats do not stimulate antigliadin or antireticulin antibody formation in adult patients with coeliac disease on remission.In patients starting the coeliac diet oats do not prevent the normalisation of these antibodies.
The oat-coeliac study in Gothenburg
Stine Störsrud, Ragnhild A Lenner and Anders Kilander. Departement of Clinical Nutrition and Departement of Medicine Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg. Sweden.
Two recent studies have concluded that moderate amounts of oat may be consumed without any danger for adult patients with coeliac disease. The content of the potential toxical factor in oat(avenin) is small, which means that a larger intake of oat per day may cause adverse effects inatients with coeliac disease.
Methods: For at least 2years the effects of a controlled gluten-free diet, with 100g rolled oats per day, with known content ofavenin, are compared So far 13 adult persons with coeliac disease in remission are included in the study. At the beginning of the study, after 6 weeks, 6 months, blood samples (Hb, S-ferritin, S-Ca, S-albumin, folate, vit. B12) a questionaire concerning GI-symptoms, 4-day food records and anthropometric measurements are performed. before the study a dietetian helps the participants to include rolled oats on their normal diet. The dietetian has monthly telephone contacts with the participants during the study, to monitor gluten in the diet, consumption of roleld oats ( 24-hour recall) and symptoms, as well as answering practical questions. Subjects receives no prior notoification before telephone calls.
Results. The study started in february 1996. the median intake of rolled oats was 97 g/d8rqange ( 51- 130 g /d9 after 6 weeks. only two persons consumed less then 80 g oats daily. The participants are very pleased with their new diet; it is more tastful, varied and cheaper. the quality of their diet also tend to be better; less fat, more carbohydrate and fiber. So far there are no statistically significant changes in body weight, GI-symptoms, laboratory values or endoscopy measurements.
(Kommenttini: nyt tästä tutkimuksesta on kulunut 21 vuotta.
Olisi hyvät tietää, miten niiden henkilöiden verenkuva ja vointi on tänään. Nämä ovat niin lyhyitä aikoja- 2 vuoden tutkimus, että nidien perusteella ei voi säätää koko elämän pituista dieettiä ilman uusia arvioita amtkan varrella. ehkä seurantaraporti on ollut jo jossain symposiumissa joita aina silloin tällöin opidetään maailmalla. Satuin osallsitumaan vain sen takia että ne olivat Tampereella 1996 ja 1998. Tampere on varsinainen suomalsiskeliakian "pääkaupunki").
Contamination of rolled oats with wheat, barley and rye.
Janssen F W, Hägele G H, van Triest M H. Inspectorate for Health Protection, Food Inspection Zutphen, The Netherlands.
Nowadays there is much interest in assessing the safety of oats in the celiac diet. It was found that a part of the samples was contaminated with wheat. As a regulatory agency we are currently checking glutenfree food for gluten content. Compiling the analytical results of four years we found that about 20% of the buckwheat based- and 12% of the corn based flours were contaminated with wheat at levels exceeding the proposed Codex Alimentarius level of 200 ppm gluten. It was our aim to check how frequent and at what level rolled oats (the only available oat based product in the Netherlands ) was contaminated with wheat. Rolled oats were sampled over a period of about 1 year.
In about 10% of the analysed samples, gluten content exceeded the proposed Codex limit. With the electrophoretic system even higher levels of contamination were found. This is in accordance with manufacturers specifications which state a "typical" level of 10 seeds ( wheat, barley or rye)/ 100 gram. Such a "typical" level would result in 250- 320 ppm gluten, which is well above the proposed Codex limit.
Conclusion: Toxicity of oats is awaiting further research ( 1996). Even if in the end oats would be proclaimed as safe, producers should comply to strict HACCP guidelines to ensure that contamination with toxic cereals will be minimal.
Oats and gliadin
Köppel E, Stadler M, Lüthy J, Hübner Ph.
Food Chemistry, Institute of Biochemistry, univerity of berne, Switzerland.
Oats belong to the same sub-family of cereals as wheat, rye and barley (triticeae), but its prolamin fraction called avenin was recently reported to be tolerated by coeliac patients (1996). However, oats might be contaminated by gliadins at the field level, in mills, during storage adn during packaging.
Methods: Out samples ( flakes and kernels) were tested for their gliadin and secalin content. identity of oat was vereified using a 5S-rDNA specific PCR.system. 30 oat samples from Finland, ireland, germany, Sweden and Switzerland were tested for their gliadin content. One sample had a high gliadin content (390 ppm). 13 samples had levels between 28 and 2 ppm. 16 samples were below the detection limit (2 ppm). The highest and 11/13 moderate contaminated samples revealed wheat DNA. In 9/16 samples with glaidin levels below 2 ppm wheat DNA was still detectable. PCR system is 10 times more sensitive compared to the ELISA system provided that the extracted DNA is amplifiable. All Ssamples were identified as oats.
Conclusion: 97% of the examined oat samples contained less than 30 ppm gliadin.
83%: less than 10 ppm. 53% were below the detection limit of 2 ppm. ELISA and PCR results nicely corresponded provided that food processing does not destroy the DNA.
Oats prolamines in vitro activate intestinal cell-mediated immunity in coeliac disease.
Leone N A, Mazzarella G, Ciacci C, Maurano F, Vacca L, De Vincenzi M, Maiuri K, Troncone R, Auricchio S. Dept. pediatrics and gastrointestinal Unit, Univ Federico II, Naples. Istituti di Scienze dell´Alimentazione CNR, Avellino. Laboratory for Metabolism and Pathologic Biochemistry, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy.
Coeliac disease is defined as a permanent intolerance to dietary wheat gliadin and related prolamins from rye, barley and oats. Oats toxicity has recently been questioned. Aim of our work has been to test the ability of oats prolamines to activate the cell-mediated imnune response in the coeliac intestine.
Methods: Intestinal biopsy specimens were obtained from 11 treated coeliac patients ( 5 adults and 6 children) and cultured in an organ culture system for 24 h in the presence of medium alone , or 1 mg/ml of wheat gliadin or oats prolamines peptic-tryptic digest. At the end of the culture biopsies were snap frozen and (T- lymphocytes) CD3+ and CD25+ cells counted by immunohistochemistry.
Results: In the fragments cultured in the presence of wheat or oats prolamines the number of CD25+ lymphocytes / cubic mm lamina propria ( mean SD 174 +- 65 and 137 +- 63, respectively) was significantly higher than in paired fragments cultured with medium alone ( 36 +- 22 and 40 +- 23). density of intraepitheal lymphocytes (IEL) CD3+ cells / 100 enterocytes was higher in biopsies cultured with wheat ( 42 +-9) , but not with oats (33+- 15), in comparison to those cultured with medium alone ( 30 +- 8).
Conclusion: our results suggest that oat prolamines are able to activate a T-cell mediated mucosal immune response in the coeliac jejunum, and represent a warning against the inclusion of oats in the diet of coeliac patients.
Olen samaa mieltä kuin italialaioset Toisaalta --- vaikka itse olen iholla ja verisoluilla reagoivaa keliakiatyyppiä, kaikki eivät ehkä ole. Täytyy olla jokin muukin tekijä, joka jakaa keliaakikot erilaisiin alaryhmiin dieetin suhteen . Minun ongelmani ovat aina matalat leukosyytit ja anemia- ja raudanpuutetaipumu. ja vereni voi hyvin tiukasti gluteenittomasta dieetistä, jossa ei ole kauraa mukana. Tämä on oma mielipiteeni.
Olen A Rh + veriryhmää ja silläkin voi olla jokin merkitys.
Lektiinitielläkin on myös jokin osuus.
Neljäsosalta suomalaisia puuttuu komplementista lektiinitiekin. esim ehnällä on myäs lektiininsä. kuinakhan veriryhmä ja lektiinitien kunto vaikuttaa keliakiaa potevan henkilön kauran sietoon tai hänen T-solujensa reagointitapaan. Pohdinpa vain enkä käytä kauraa. enkä niitä elintarvikkeita joista a tulee lektiinireaktioita.
Maailma on täynnä yksilöitä. Immuunivasteen koostuminen on yksilöllinen asia. Ja kaikki maailman milajrdit ihmsiet syövät eri tavalla ja tyypillsitä on, että tuskin musitavat mitä ovat jokin aika taa päin syöneet. (Recall - dokumentaation saaminen syömisestä on työlästä).
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