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måndag 16 oktober 2017

Onko havaittu maissiallergiaa maailmassa ?

 Onko maissiallergiaa?
 Mexikossa maissi on pääravintoaine. jos sen lyhyet alle 6 aminohapon toksiset peptidit aiheuttavat tautia, luulisi että Mexikossa on havaittavissa
 jotain siihen viittaavaa.  Maissin paljo määrä voi olla toxinen. .JOS maissi osoittautuu keliakian syyksi,  henkilöt ovat todella  ERITTÄIN   gluteenisensitiivisiä .  Toisalta maissjauhoisa voi olla  myös lisäksi varsinaisia kontaminaatiojyviä. Mexikon kanantaisi siirtyä riisikantaan ja suosia perunaa. Mexikon väkiluku 120 miljoonaa. 

Maissi (Zea mays) kuuluu Poaceae-heimoon (heinäkasvit) vehnän, ohran, rukiin ja kauran tavoin. Siitä on toistaiseksi karakterisoitu neljä allergeenia. Maissiallergia on Suomessa hyvin harvinainen. Ristiallergia on yleistä riisiin ja mahdollista mutta hyvin harvinaista muihin edellä mainittuihin viljakasveihin. 


Rev Gastroenterol Mex. 2013 Oct-Dec;78(4):201-2. doi: 10.1016/j.rgmx.2013.12.001.

[Celiac disease in Mexico: describing the tip of the iceberg?].

[Article in Spanish]
[Indexed for MEDLINE]
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Rev Alerg Mex. 2006 Nov-Dec;53(6):207-11.

Maize (Zea mays): allergen or tolerogen? Participation of the cereal in allergic disease and positivity incidence in cutaneous tests.


BACKGROUND: The maize (zea mays) is considered one of the fundamental nutrients in the diet of the Mexican population. It can cause allergic reactions, according to reports from countries other than Mexico.

OBJECTIVE: To know the participation of maize in the etiology of allergic disease and the incidence of positivity to its antigens by cutaneous tests, in Mexican patients.

METHODS: Six hundred sixty-one patients were studied. There were obtained a complete clinical history and samples for laboratory tests, as well as the results of cutaneous tests.

RESULTS: Of 661 patients, 56 (8.5%) manifested allergic symptoms attributable to maize, which correlated (p < 0.0001) with a positive cutaneous response to its antigens. Fifty (88%) of them worked with maize and had a significant relative risk value (RR=102). The remaining six patients did not work with maize, four of them were included in the group who had a positive response for both allergens (n = 25), and two in that one with positive response for only one of these allergens (n = 100).

CONCLUSIONS: The low frequency (8.5%) to which the allergic disease was attributed to maize, and the strong association (88%) with workers of maize induce us to consider the influence of some differences concerning to the cereal, such as physical characteristics, years and frequency to contact with, and specially to its entrance route. In fact, it plays an important role in the development of either toleragenic or immunogenic response to an antigen.

 3. Vaikka mexikossa käytetäänmaissai pääravintoaineena, keliakian esiintyvyys on  samoisa prosenteissa kuin täällä Pohjoisessa jossa on toxiset viljat pääravinotaineina.

0,5- 3% 120 miljoonan kansasta tekee 0,6- 3.6 miljoonaa sairasta keliakiaa.   Sitten vielä sanotaan että kyse on ehkä vain äävuoren huipusta nämä diagnosoidut.  Tämä mielestäni asettaa maissin kyseenalaiseena asemaan.  Jotain kuitenkin on siinä vinossa  keliakia-asian suhteen.  lisäksi monilla on  samalla T1DM,  mikä sekin  viittaisi pienten toksisten peptidien osuuteen, koska betasolutkin  vaativat vapaita glutamiinihappo- glutamiini muuntoreaktioita ilman vasta-aineita transglutaminaasin tasossa.


J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006 Sep;40(8):697-700.

Celiac disease could be a frequent disease in Mexico: prevalence of tissue transglutaminase antibody in healthy blood donors.


INTRODUCTION/AIM: In North America and Europe, the prevalence of celiac disease (CD) might be much greater than expected in previous estimates. Until recently, the prevalence of CD in Latin America remained largely unknown. So far, information regarding CD in Mexico is limited, and it is still considered a rare disease. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of tTGA in a large group of apparently healthy blood donors.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Serum samples from 1009 consecutive blood donors, who attended a third level referral center in Mexico City, were collected between June 2004 and December 2004. Only Mexican Mestizo individuals were included. All sera were tested with a new generation human recombinant protein based tTGA-IgA ELISA commercial kit (Aeskulisa tTG-IgA, Wendelsheim, Germany). The cut-off value provided by the manufacturer was 15 U/mL.

RESULTS: The mean age of the blood donors was 34+/-10 years and 68% (n=683) were men. Six hundred fifty two subjects (65%) were born in Mexico City; and from the remaining 357 subjects, at least one was born in each of the 31 different states in our country. Twenty-seven (2.7%) blood donors were positive for tTGA-IgA; all of them with tTGA-IgA values above 30 U/mL (range 36 to 1639). Overall prevalence was 1:37 [27/1009, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.6-3.7]. The prevalence among women was 1:33 (10/326, 95% CI=1.04-5.09) and for men 1:40 (17/683, 95% CI=1.24-3.73).

CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of a well-recognized serologic screening method performed to blood donor samples, we demonstrated an unexpectedly high prevalence of tTGA positivity (2.6%) in the adult Mexican Mestizo population. Thus, the prevalence of CD in Mexico could be higher or similar to that observed in other countries. This observation contributes to increase the awareness for this under diagnosed disease in clinical practice and to consider CD as a global health problem.

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